Hazur Baba Sawan Singh
Such personalities appear on the scene to guide the child humanity back to the true home of their Father. They are children of light. When they come, they give light to all irrespective of the creeds and colours to which they belong. They profess that they have physical bodies made up of the five elements but they speak as inspired by God. They are, as it were, the mouthpiece of God the unborn with no beginning and no end. They are not subject to the wheel of birth and death like all others, having identified themselves with God – the son and the father have both become 'partner in life' and become one – the two in one. Christ also said, "I and my father are one".
They come in the world, just as a health officer visits the prison, to look to the physical welfare of the prisoners, and he can send out sick prisoners out of jail to be served in hospitals. They work as redeemers and liberate the souls from the bondage of mind and matter. They are sent with a commission to set the humanity free, irrespective of any caste, creed or colour.
The great Master preached with a clarion voice that there are thousands of lovers in all denomination, seeking the same beloved God. Although, there are different religions, but they all aim at the same common goal before us. In fact there is one truth working in all. The differences in religions are man made, due to the various customs and climatic conditions but their main purpose is the same. His aim was to unite all humanity into one whole.
He revived the Science of Surat Shabd Yoga, which was lost sight of by even the present preachers of all religions. He taught practically self-analysis viz., to liberate the soul from the bondage of mind and matter and know oneself and know God, by contacting the soul with the divine link of Naam or the Word within every man which is the way back to God.
Master Sawan Singh was not a man of the world, and was not bound to the bondage of the body. He used to leave the world and its environments and traverse to the higher planes at will whenever He wanted. He gave eyes to the seekers coming up to Him so as to see the light of God and strength to enable them to rise into the higher planes. He was word-personified and dwelt amongst us. He was love-personified. He was an incarnation of peace and joy. Blessed were they who sat at His holy feet or whom He took under His care, and who sought Him and Him alone.